Sunday, December 7, 2008

Good Tidings of Great Joy

Brothers and Sisters,

This one sure is a long time coming, it feels like time has just flown by lately. I hope the last few weeks have brought peace and true joy for you and yours. We've had some great times here on Beekman for certain but I am also finding myself increasingly burdened by the brokenness that is so apparent now. The good part first though!

I got to spend some great times with the neighbors this last week; before thanksgiving the kids from next door all came over and helped Sinora and I make lots of food. We also got to watch a movie about the nativity and share some more with them about Jesus. We also watched "This Christmas" with Chris Brown together so if you know Sara or I that was pretty exciting for us.

After spending some time at home I came back this week feeling pretty intensely upset about the pain that is an inherent part of this world. Its been a tough week at school for me as I've just been broken-hearted each day for the kids I am working with who have just the toughest lives possible. It is sometimes hard for me to put that pain of theirs that I carry with me down in order to function normally in the rest of the world and this week that has surely been the case. On Friday our friend Jonathan, (check him out at came over for dinner and he got to see how we role here as all 7 kids joined us! It was pretty fun for me to spend time with them and they all helped me make dinner. We danced to Beyonce and played some of the new games that Sara brought up from TX (thanks!). It was a bit rough too though as I began to see how some of the older girls are struggling through their issues and doing it without either of their parents. It sometimes breaks my heart but as I'm learning this holiday we are in a time of waiting right now and this is now how it will always be! The kingdom of God is here and its coming all at the same time and we can rejoice in knowing that one day we will be whole again.
Pray with us this week for the youth of our neighborhood, both those that we know from our schools and from the block. Life here is pretty rough for them sometimes as addicted or absent parents are the norm along with drivebys and hunger. Specifically pray with me that the fathers of the South Bronx would rise up and raise their children in love, as I'm sure many of you know growing up without a father is so darn heartbreaking and most of the kids I know are doing it. Again, praise our Father in heaven that he has provided for us in this way too! I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy the grace of God sent here for us!

1 comment:

Julia said...

JILLIAN! Hey chica! I looked for you after church but I didn't see you. Give your mom a huge hug and hello from me!! xoxox