Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Faces

Hi Y'all!

I hope you're having a blessed summer so far! Despite the rainy weather here on the east coast we've actually been spending a lot of time outside and have had some really exciting times with the people in the neighborhood. In other really we had a new roommate move in this past Sunday. One of our good friends Valerie just got back from studying abroad and was willing to take DeWanda's spot in the house. Its been so energizing for us to have her here these last few days and we're really looking forward to out community growing!

Also we've gotten to meet a ton of new people this last month, I think there are about 30 new people we've met and spent time with in some capacity. A few times we've had over twelve kids running around the house, most of whom continuously ask if we are a school or if we are "open" on Saturdays. We've also gotten to spend a lot of quality time with a few of our neighbors who are closer to our age (in their twenties) and have begun to have some really good conversations with them that have allowed us to share our faith and here their beliefs and needs. Pray for these brothers and sisters and our witness to them as we continue to look for these conversations and show them love. Thank you all so much for your encouraging thoughts and prayers!

Peace! (really)


Elisabeth B. said...

1) Pics are so cute. As always!
2) How did I not know Val had moved in with y'all?

Cassie said...

I'm catching up on everyone's blogs, but wanted to say that the pictures in this post are awesome and ... are you open on Saturdays? Ultimate cuteness.